About that TRR graveyard: suddenly my really old, sold obsessions are GONE! I am shook. I guess TRR did a purge of old listings?! I had been saving some of them so that I could keep looking for The Ones That Got Away.

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Oh no, I totally feel for you! I just had the same thing happen to me and agree they must be doing an old product detail page purge. I need to take inspiration from Emily and start using the Notes app for my ancient TRR obsessions.

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Thanks for linking the different notes app advice - I agree that Emily’s post about it is a game changer!

I am also looking for a leather studded belt.

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Yes, Emily's post was the best! Sending positive vibes for your studded belt search, I'd love to know what you find :)

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I don't know if you knit (or know someone who does), but have you thought about making the smaller scarf from second hand wool?

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Thank you for this :) I don't knit or have friends that knit, but found lots of patterns for Sophie scarves that seemed beginner-adjacent.

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“Nothing haunts you like your TRR graveyard” hahaha I feel so seen. It’s so interesting to see how you’re approaching accessories, as it’s the category that I have neglected for years but am starting to feel the importance of more and more. Can we be Pinterest friends??

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Haha, I would love that Emily!

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P.S. thank you for the shoutout to my notes app post!

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It was such a great guide to using Notes :)

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Tina your mood boards for these accessories are so, so good. I love being able to see the through line of an item across different styling. I have a Spring/Summer Pinterest board and a Fall/Winter where I save inspiration. I recently created an “Outfits to Recreate” board because sometimes I need a very literal reminder of why I’m saving an outfit 😂

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Kelly! You've totally made my day since your moodboards are always so inspiring ✨ Same for my Instagram - I have a very literal folder called "Outfit Inspo" which is the first place I look for styling cues.

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Thank you for the note about shelters! A very important callout :) I have used Instagram for years and never knew that saving a post can actually be organized into folders! Definitely a testament to how we use apps for different purposes - I never considered the platform for work or hobbyist reasons… I’m notably not an accessories person but I’ve been trying to get into jewelry lately because it’s an easy way to elevate an outfit without having to figure out layering or colors (relatively!) - the brooch is a terrifying foray for me but it’s amazing that you’re able to style something somewhat small but with intention! I would look forward to information on jewelry, especially from a sustainable standpoint, for a future post! :)

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It's amazing to see so many people pull together to help in any way they can - it reminds of the Mr. Rogers quote to look for the helpers. You're so right about jewelry - Good on You specifically calls out this category as a way to help maximize outfit repeating :) Jewelry was always my favorite category to buy as a merchant, I'd love to share some of my saves from responsible brands. Thanks for the suggestion!

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